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3 Brain Food That You Shouldn't Miss


Updated: Aug 24, 2022

Brain Food

The New Year usually comes straddled with dreams of inculcating great habits that can give you improved fitness, more energy and heightened efficiency. And at the core of these dreams lies your brain and its cognitive function. Simply put, you cannot ignore the health of your brain if you want to achieve overall fitness and efficiency. Here are the top 5 Brain food that will ensure proper cognitive function and help you remain focused on getting that enviable physique you have promised yourself in this new year. Read on to know more.

1) Blueberries

We all know fruits and vegetables come with plenty of benefits. But some fruits enjoy superfood status, and berries are right up into that category. Blueberries, in particular, are known to have memory and concentration boosting properties that can last up to five hours after consumption. Research shows that blueberries contain a cocktail of antioxidants that stimulate the instant flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and go a long way in keeping the mind fresh. What's more, it's fuss-free when it comes to including it in your diet. No peeling, no cutting required. Wash and add to your oats along with some honey. Or, if you crave a mid-afternoon sweet snack, then you can do wonders with blueberries. Take a cup of fresh or frozen blueberries, add your favourite yogurt brand, and drizzle some honey along with a dash of cinnamon powder and voila! You are in for a sweet treat without the guilt. But that's not all; including blueberries into your daily diet helps you boost cognitive function, but it also protects against severe illnesses like cancer, dementia, and heart disease.

2) Dark Chocolate

When speaking of brain food, dark chocolate is never too far. Of course, let's clarify that it's not the sugary milky kind that we are referring to here. We mean the type with a high percentage of cocoa, an excellent antioxidant. What's more, dark chocolate comes packed with magnesium that plays a crucial role in giving you that de-stressed feeling. Dark chocolate also helps release endorphins - the happy hormones that make you feel high! When released in the brain, serotonin is another chemical that gives a euphoric feeling, and the easiest way to experience this is by consuming dark chocolates. A word of caution, too much of anything is not a good thing. The same applies to dark chocolate. Eat sensibly and unravel the many benefits of it both mentally and physically.

3) Omega-3 Fatty Acids

There is no list on brain food that can leave omega-3 fatty acids behind. These are found in abundance in fatty fish that, according to studies, have a significant role to play in preventing Alzheimer's disease. Consuming fish twice a week can give you great benefits of omega-3 fatty acids- you can choose from salmon, tuna (preferably light), cod and pollack that are low in mercury. But just in case you aren't too thrilled with the idea of eating fish, then worry not. You can fulfill your daily requirement of Omega-3 fatty acids through supplements, or you could also choose from terrestrial sources of the same that are present in walnuts, flaxseeds and avocados.


When looking after your brain health, you can rest assured that it's the entire body receiving an overhaul. A healthy mind leads to healthy habits that allow you to achieve personal and professional goals. Finally, it's best to put your trust in a brand of health food store of repute that ensures complete peace of mind regarding the quality of your purchase. The benefits of consuming brain foods are entirely dependent on their quality. So, choose wisely.

And now that you know the secret of sticking to those resolutions have yourself a Happy New Year!

Foods for Life is one of the leading natural food stores in Toronto that offers health foods, vitamins and supplements at discount prices. We've been helping Canadians achieve their health supplement needs for over 40 years in our locally owned store! Send as your order for an in-store pick-up today!

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